Furukawa, who was a special postdoctoral researcher in RIKEN Brain Science Institute, started our Lab as a tenure-track principal investigator. This was the first attempt of the tenure-track system in the faculty of Science and Technology in Keio University.
There was only one desk in room 23-220B and were several benches in room 23-219. Other than those, there was nothing in our rooms. In the pictures below, several instruments and goods were shipped from RIKEN.
Dr. Takao Nomura from Hokkaido University joined our lab as an assistant professor. He introduced a phage display method into our lab and successfully developed several peptides recognizing SOD1. Also, he was involved in the research on the aggregation mechanism of FUS protein and on the antibodies recognizing misfolded forms of SOD1.
古川が慶應に着任してスタートした研究が、初めて原著論文としてThe Journal of Biological Chemistryに採択されました。これは、研究室1期生の三冨康司君が行った研究で、ハンチンチンというタンパク質の凝集メカニズムに関するものです。タンパク質は凝集してからも酸化的な修飾を受けることがあり、それによって凝集体の構造が変化するということを初めて示した論文です。こちらを参照のこと。
The first paper from our Lab was published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry. This study was done by Mitomi-kun, who was one of the first members in our lab. He proposed a new mechanism on the aggregation of Huntingtin, which is involved in the pathogenesis of Huntington’s disease. This paper showed for the first time that the protein can be oxidatively modified even after aggregated, and such “post-aggregation modification” can change the structure of the aggregates. Please check here.
Assist Prof. Takao Nomura left our lab and moved to Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Center for Research and Education on Drug Discovery in Hokkaido Univ.
古川が無事にテニュアを取得。研究室の場所が22棟308B(元 化学科学生実験室)に引っ越し。研究室スペースも拡大。
Furukawa successfully got tenured. Our lab was moved to a new place, which had been a laboratory for juniors in the department of chemistry. Our lab space was actually almost doubled.
Dr. Eiichi Tokuda, a postdoctoral researcher at Umea University in Sweden, joined our Lab as an assistant professor. He has focused on pathogenic roles of SOD1 in ALS and performed biochemical experiments using tissues of ALS patients as well as model mice. Together with Toba-san, he did great contributions to the establishment of C. elegance experiments in our Lab.
Assist Prof. Tokuda got promoted and moved to Department of Pharmacy, Tokushima-Bunri University as a Lecturer.
Dr. Itsuki Anzai got a PhD degree, and he is the first “doctor” from our Lab. The title of his PhD thesis is “Disulfide-controlled structural changes of pathological proteins in neurodegenerative diseases”.